Podcasters & Listeners Alliance of Yore
Review: MYCENSE 15 Pieces Role Playing RPG Game Dice - Printable Version

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Review: MYCENSE 15 Pieces Role Playing RPG Game Dice - Snowgen - 09-01-2023

We were talking about dice in another thread, and that led me to by the "MYCENSE 15 Pieces Role Playing RPG Game Dice" from Amazon.  Here's my review of each die:
  • d3: This is just a d6 numbered 1 through 3 twice, BUT they used Roman numerals, so the die stand out from "normal" d6's.  This was a good idea.  Good die.
  • d4: They took the traditional tetrahedron and cut off the points and put the numbers in the spot where the points used to be, so you can read from the top instead of the sides. Clever idea.
  • d5: This is a weird and funky die. I would have thought that they'd just use a d10 and use the same Roman numeral trick like the did for the d3, but no. The shape is like a triangular cylinder with the tips of the triangles rounded down. Each rounded down tip has a number on it as do the two end pieces. Like I said, it's weird and funky. Now sure if I trust it to "roll true" but I'll use it.
  • d6: Normal cube (or hexahedron) with Arabic numerals instead of pips. Pretty standard stuff.
  • d7: I don't even know how to describe this shape. It just is. It always lands "edge side up," so the numbers are printed over the edges kinda reminding me of Salvador Dali's clocks in Persistence of Memory. The "6" kinda misses the edge, so it's possible for it to land facing away from you and you need to spin it around to read the number.
  • d8: At first I thought this was a new shape for a d8, but then I realized that's is just the traditional octahedron with all the points chopped and rounded off. Nothing wrong with it, but I'm so used to the traditional d8 that I would probably not find this when I was looking for it.
  • d10's: Nothing unique here. Just the ubiquitous decahedron (what a cool name for a podcast, only let's spell it with a 'k'!) pair numbered 0-9 or 00 - 90 depending on the die.
  • d12: Interesting. Instead of the typical regular (Platonic) dodecahedron that we're used to, this set used a rhombic (Catalan) dodecahedron.  That means each face is a rhombus ("diamond") instead of a pentagon. The geometry nerd in me likes it, but if I'm looking for a d12 I probably wouldn't recognize it.
  • d16: Looks like a d12 and a d20 had a baby. Some faces are pentagons, and some are triangles. Again, not sure how "true" it would roll. 
  • d20: The well known regular icosahedron that we all know and love.
  • d24: Looks kinda like a d20 but with rhomboid faces instead of triangles.
  • d30: Looks just like the d24, but has more faces. Hard to tell these two apart.
  • d60: This is starting to look like a golf ball, and rolls like one. About the same size, too.
  • d100: Bigger than a golf ball. Too big for my dice tray. Rolls forever. With so many faces, determining which one is truly facing up is a little challenge. I don't see this really being useable. Evil Jeff talked about how his d100 is weighted inside; this one is not.

Overall, I like the set, I got the yellow with black. Everything is inked well and easy to read. The plastic is good enough.


RE: Review: MYCENSE 15 Pieces Role Playing RPG Game Dice - NerdsRPG - 09-02-2023

Great review! Mine finally showed up and I'm happy with them. They are definitely fairly easy to re
Great review! Mine finally showed up and I'm happy with them. They are definitely fairly easy to read.