Podcasters & Listeners Alliance of Yore
What's Needed Before We Go Live - Printable Version

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What's Needed Before We Go Live - Snowgen - 06-25-2023

  1. A name.  I came up with "Fellowship of Casters & Listeners" on the spot.  I'm currently thinking "Podcasters' & Listeners' Alliance of Yore" because that's a backronym for PLAY. Any better ideas?
  2. A logo. I would love it to come from the community. I could probably hire my graphic designer again, but I'm cheap. Big Grin 
  3. A set of reasonable rules (Don't be a jerk. No politics. No religion (but "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Beltane" shouldn't be a violation of this)
  4. I was thinking a new color scheme, but I'm thinking more and more that there's nothing wrong with the default.
  5. I would like to change the default font to some friendly for people with dyslexia.

Is there anything else?

RE: What's Needed Before We Go Live - Snowgen - 06-25-2023

I worked with DALL-E and this is the logo it came up with:


RE: What's Needed Before We Go Live - Snowgen - 06-25-2023

(06-25-2023, 11:11 AM)Snowgen Wrote: [*]A set of reasonable rules (Don't be a jerk. No politics. No religion (but "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Beltane" shouldn't be a violation of this)
[*]How's this for the rules? Too much?

  1. Be Respectful: Treat fellow members with respect, kindness, and courtesy. Do not engage in personal attacks, harassment, or any form of bullying. Disagreements are fine, but maintain a civil and constructive tone.

  2. No Jerk Behavior: Do not engage in behavior that disrupts the positive atmosphere of the community. This includes trolling, spamming, or intentionally provoking others.

  3. Avoid Politics and Religion: As a general guideline, discussions related to politics and religion are prohibited. However, use common sense and be mindful of the context. During election seasons, encouraging participation and promoting voting is acceptable. Wishing others well on holidays, such as Christmas, Beltane, or other celebrations, is equally welcomed.
  4. Stay on Topic: In most forums, keep discussions relevant to the purpose of the community, which is centered around RPGs, podcasts, and related topics. However, we understand the value of building connections and fostering a sense of community. For off-topic conversations, feel free to engage in the designated "General Chat" forum. Use this space to discuss non-RPG-related subjects, share personal experiences, or connect on a more casual level with fellow members.

  5. Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information of others without their explicit consent. Respect the privacy of fellow members and any confidential information shared within the community.

  6. No Hate Speech or Discrimination: Any form of hate speech, discriminatory language, or offensive content targeting individuals or groups based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited.

  7. Mindful Content Sharing: When sharing content, ensure it is appropriate, relevant, and does not infringe upon any copyright or intellectual property rights. Give credit where it is due.

  8. Report Issues: If you come across any violation of the rules or witness inappropriate behavior, report it to the moderators/administrators promptly. Do not engage in public arguments or "backseat moderating."

Hi , Its needs some color - bigshadowdragon@gmail - 06-27-2023

(06-25-2023, 11:11 AM)Snowgen Wrote:
  1. A name.  I came up with "Fellowship of Casters & Listeners" on the spot.  I'm currently thinking "Podcasters' & Listeners' Alliance of Yore" because that's a backronym for PLAY. Any better ideas?
  2. A logo. I would love it to come from the community. I could probably hire my graphic designer again, but I'm cheap. Big Grin 
  3. A set of reasonable rules (Don't be a jerk. No politics. No religion (but "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Beltane" shouldn't be a violation of this)
  4. I was thinking a new color scheme, but I'm thinking more and more that there's nothing wrong with the default.
  5. I would like to change the default font to some friendly for people with dyslexia.

Is there anything else?

RE: What's Needed Before We Go Live - Evil Jeff - 07-02-2023

(06-25-2023, 01:40 PM)Snowgen Wrote:
(06-25-2023, 11:11 AM)Snowgen Wrote: [*]A set of reasonable rules (Don't be a jerk. No politics. No religion (but "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Beltane" shouldn't be a violation of this)
[*]How's this for the rules? Too much?

  1. Be Respectful: Treat fellow members with respect, kindness, and courtesy. Do not engage in personal attacks, harassment, or any form of bullying. Disagreements are fine, but maintain a civil and constructive tone.

  2. No Jerk Behavior: Do not engage in behavior that disrupts the positive atmosphere of the community. This includes trolling, spamming, or intentionally provoking others.

  3. Avoid Politics and Religion: As a general guideline, discussions related to politics and religion are prohibited. However, use common sense and be mindful of the context. During election seasons, encouraging participation and promoting voting is acceptable. Wishing others well on holidays, such as Christmas, Beltane, or other celebrations, is equally welcomed.
  4. Stay on Topic: In most forums, keep discussions relevant to the purpose of the community, which is centered around RPGs, podcasts, and related topics. However, we understand the value of building connections and fostering a sense of community. For off-topic conversations, feel free to engage in the designated "General Chat" forum. Use this space to discuss non-RPG-related subjects, share personal experiences, or connect on a more casual level with fellow members.

  5. Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information of others without their explicit consent. Respect the privacy of fellow members and any confidential information shared within the community.

  6. No Hate Speech or Discrimination: Any form of hate speech, discriminatory language, or offensive content targeting individuals or groups based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited.

  7. Mindful Content Sharing: When sharing content, ensure it is appropriate, relevant, and does not infringe upon any copyright or intellectual property rights. Give credit where it is due.

  8. Report Issues: If you come across any violation of the rules or witness inappropriate behavior, report it to the moderators/administrators promptly. Do not engage in public arguments or "backseat moderating."
That pretty much sums it up.  I do not see anything else that I would suggest adding.

RE: What's Needed Before We Go Live - NerdsRPG - 07-04-2023

I think Evil Jeff summed up any needed rules nicely. I'd be tempted to put in that users are encouraged to be politically active in their communities but this is a discussion space for games and talk of current issues can derail the discussions we are trying to encourage here. Something like that.

I see you have likes / user reputation enabled. Is this a plus or a minus? Might be worth a discussion.

(06-25-2023, 11:11 AM)Snowgen Wrote:
  1. A name.  I came up with "Fellowship of Casters & Listeners" on the spot.  I'm currently thinking "Podcasters' & Listeners' Alliance of Yore" because that's a backronym for PLAY. Any better ideas?
  2. A logo. I would love it to come from the community. I could probably hire my graphic designer again, but I'm cheap. Big Grin 
  3. A set of reasonable rules (Don't be a jerk. No politics. No religion (but "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Beltane" shouldn't be a violation of this)
  4. I was thinking a new color scheme, but I'm thinking more and more that there's nothing wrong with the default.
  5. I would like to change the default font to some friendly for people with dyslexia.

Is there anything else?

1. PLAY works for me. 
2. I like the one you have above.
3. Addressed in my previous post
4. I'm not picky, I like the current set up, maybe have a light and a dark one? I don't know if "night mode" is an option for the user to pick when viewing but if so that might we worth considering.
5. Great idea!

RE: What's Needed Before We Go Live - GMsShadow - 07-08-2023

I live the name. Those rules look pretty good to me fpr what it's worth.

RE: What's Needed Before We Go Live - Snowgen - 07-10-2023

(07-08-2023, 04:23 AM)GMsShadow Wrote: I live the name. Those rules look pretty good to me fpr what it's worth.

Thanks for your feedback!  I appreciate it!

I think I am goign to go with those rules, but maybe add some more personality to them.