Podcasters & Listeners Alliance of Yore
T&T House Rules for upcoming Kelnore game - Printable Version

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T&T House Rules for upcoming Kelnore game - Snowgen - 09-16-2023

These are some (all of the?) house rules that I'll be using for the upcoming Kelnore game using T&T.

Let me know if you have any questions.

  1. The Official Rules are Tunnels & Trolls, 4th Edition (but you probably won't need them)
  2. I'm making major changes to the Kindred table. It's just too Munchkiny and Gonzo the way it is.  That will be in a reply to this post. 
  3. Spells are powered by Luck instead of Strength
  4. Only the Basic Armor is used.  Too much bookkeeping the normal way.
  5. The Advanced Weapons charts are allowed.
  6. We *will* use spite damage, as follows: When rolling damage, any die that comes up as a "6" represents one hit that _must_ be taken. Even if your side won the round. Even if you had enough armor ignore it. Fighters (only) can "burn armor" (or shields) to avoid this damage.
  7. Fighters (only) get their level as part of their "adds"
  8. Wizards can use any weapon, but the weapon's base damage is capped at 1D+5 regardless of the weapon's actual damage rating
    (Note: 2D = 1D+3, 2D+1 = 1D+4, all others = 1D+5)
  9. Any "adds" of +7 are converted to 2 more dice.
  10. Talents: Talents are kinda like a Secondary Skill in AD&D. There is no list to pick from. Just make one up (although if you're stuck, feel free to roll on the AD&D table). Any time that you try to do something that requires a SR to see if you succeed, you get a +3 to the roll if you can invoke the talent.

If you're playing a spell caster you might want a set of rules for the spells.
Of course if you get the free one, and it conflicts with 4E, then 4E wins.

RE: T&T House Rules for upcoming Kelnore game - NerdsRPG - 09-17-2023

Are we making characters together, picking from pregens, or on our own?

RE: T&T House Rules for upcoming Kelnore game - Snowgen - 09-19-2023

(09-17-2023, 08:35 AM)NerdsRPG Wrote: Are we making characters together, picking from pregens, or on our own?

James had suggested that we do it as an episode.

RE: T&T House Rules for upcoming Kelnore game - NerdsRPG - 09-19-2023

That would be fun!

RE: T&T House Rules for upcoming Kelnore game - Snowgen - 09-20-2023

(09-19-2023, 09:35 PM)NerdsRPG Wrote: That would be fun!

I'll see what I can set up.  It won't air until November because of OSR October.  But we could record it before hand.

RE: T&T House Rules for upcoming Kelnore game - NerdsRPG - 09-25-2023

Sounds good to me, just let me know. I'll email you my schedule.