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Thief Spells - Printable Version

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Thief Spells - NerdsRPG - 10-25-2023

Should we have a list here? I'll work on it later today and post it here. If anyone else joins in I'm going to list the edition, the spell name, list it is from, level, and where I am sourcing it (edition, page number), and any comments if required. The last will be very minimal as the important thing is to capture all the important spells (like Cloudkill   Big Grin ) before we move further.

RE: Thief Spells - Snowgen - 11-10-2023

I really wish MyBB supported tables.

Approach #1: Map thief skills to spells

Ability: Open locks by picking or foiling magical closures
Source: Original ability in Greyhawk
Spell: Knock (MU lvl 2)

Ability: Remove small trap devices
Source: Original ability
Spell: ???

Ability: Hide in Shadows
Source:  Original ability
Spell: Invisibility (limited variant)

Ability: listen for noise behind closed doors
Source:  Original ability
Spell: Clairaudience (MU lvl 3)

Ability: move with great stealth
Source:  Original ability
Spell: Silence (limited variant) (Cleric lvl 5)

Ability: filch items and pick pockets
Source:  Original ability
Spell: Telekinesis (limited variant) (MU lvl 5)

Ability: Read languages (3rd level)
Source:  Original ability
Spell: Read Languages (MU lvl 1)

Ability: Read magic (10th level)
Source:  Original ability
Spell: Read Magic (MU lvl 1)

Ability: strike silently from behind
Source:  Original ability
Spell: ???

Ability: climb nearly sheer surfaces, upwards or downwards
Source:  Original ability
Spell: Levitation (limited variant?) (MU lvl 2)

Ability: Find Traps
Source:  Added in 1981
Spell: Find Traps (Cleric lvl 2)

Ability: Climb Overhangs
Source:  Suggested for high level in 81
Spell: Still Levitation.

Ability: “Upside down”
Source:  Suggested for high level in 81
Spell: Not sure what this means.  Was it part of the overhangs thing?

Approach #2: Seeing what spells "feel right"

I see these spells as feeling right:
  • Charm Person (MU1): Maybe a weakened version—lasts a few turns then the subject forgets.
  • Clairaudience (MU3): The classic thief had the “Listen through doors” skill—this is the magical equivalent.
  • Clairvoyance (MU3): Even better than listening at a door—look through it!  Will make this one a higher level than the other.
  • Dimension Door (MU4): A master thief that can pass through walls seems like it would be very fantasy.
  • ESP (MU2): Would be useful to a Thief/spy. Seems like it should be higher level than Clairvoyance.
  • Find Traps (C2): This is a classic thief ability
  • Hold Monster (MU5): Useful for getting around guard creatures.
  • Hold Person (C2/MU3): Useful for getting around guards.
  • Infravision (MU3): Good for sneaking into places without needing a torch.
  • Invisibility (MU2): The “hide in shadows” skill as a spell.  Maybe weaken it a bit. Or have it in levels.  "near invisibility" as a 1st level spell, and Invisibility as a 3rd.
  • Knock (MU2): Magical version of his “pick locks” skill.
  • Locate Object (C3/MU2): Helps him find his booty!
  • Neutralize Poison (C4): Helps to survive that trap they missed. Can cast on self only.  But then how do they cast it if the poison killed them?  Maybe a “Resist Poison” spell that lasts for 1 full turn and adds the thief’s level to his save.
  • Pass-Wall (MU5): Master thief passes through walls! How does this compare to Dimension Door above?
  • Polymorph Self (MU4): Maybe a limited version: Disguise
  • Projected Image (MU6): Highest level thief spell
  • Read Languages (MU1): Classic thief skill
  • Read Magic (MU1): Classic high-level thief Skill
  • Sleep (MU1): Good non-lethal offensive spell. Good for sneaking into places without killing people. Maybe make 2nd level.
  • Telekinesis (MU5): Good for lifting things
  • Wizard Eye (MU4): Seems sneaky

These spells I feel are close... maybe they fit?
  • Anti-Magic Shell (MU6): I could see where a 12th level thief might be able to do this. Maybe only 1 turn.
  • Charm Monster (MU4): Used to bypass guard dogs/monsters
  • Confusion (MU4): Yes/no (smaller effect)
  • Continual Light* (C3/MU2): I like light, but maybe not continual.
  • Cure Light Wounds* (C1): No to cure, but maybe the reverse is the replacement for backstab.
  • Detect Invisible (MU2): Looking for guards.
  • Detect Magic (C1/MU1): Help him know what to steal.
  • Dispel Magic (MU3): I like the idea of it being temporary if cast by a thief.
  • Feeblemind (MU5): Non-lethal offensive spell.
  • Haste Spell (MU3): Gone in 60 seconds  (self only)
  • Hold Portal (MU1): Useful during an escape.
  • Levitate (MU2): Magical replacement for the Climb Walls ability.
  • Light* (C1/MU1): Definitely for the reversed version (Darkness) to help them escape.  Maybe a higher level variant (Improved Darkness?) That doesn’t affect the caster.
  • Slow Spell (MU3): Non-lethal offensive spell.
  • Water Breathing (MU3): For sneaking into places.
  • Wizard Lock (MU2): Might buy them time. Break into the treasury, steal the stuff, Wizard Lock the door so no one can get in to see it's missing?

Here are the ones James felt fit, but I don't:
  • Cloudkill 
  • Conjure Elemental
  • Cure Serious Wounds*
  • Detect Evil*
  • Disintegrate (for breaking into places)
  • Fly
  • Geas
  • Invisibility, 10’ Radius (for self + 1 other)
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Lower Water
  • Move Earth
  • Part Water
  • Polymorph Others
  • Protection from Normal Missiles
  • Speak with Animals
  • Teleport
  • Turn Sticks to Snakes

And just for completeness, these are the ones neither of us felt they fit:
  • Animate Dead
  • Bless*
  • Commune
  • Control Weather
  • Create Food
  • Create Water
  • Cure Disease*
  • Death Spell
  • Dispel Evil*
  • Fire Ball
  • Growth of Animals
  • Growth of Plants
  • Hallucinatory Terrain
  • Insect Plague
  • Invisible Stalker
  • Magic Jar
  • Massmorph
  • Phantasmal Forces
  • Protection from Evil*
  • Protection from Evil, 10’ Radius
  • Purify Food & Water*
  • Quest
  • Raise Dead*
  • Reincarnation
  • Remove Curse
  • Speak with Plants
  • Stone to Flesh
  • Transmute Rock to Mud
  • Wall of Fire
  • Wall of Ice
  • Wall of Iron
  • Wall of Stone

RE: Thief Spells - Evil Jeff - 11-22-2023

Let me say that, while I don't have anything to really contribute here, I am enjoying the process of you walking through this exercise.